Class Creator Blog

2021 - New Features Update

Written by Tim Bowman | Nov 30, 2021 9:10:32 PM

Our goals have always been to help schools create great classes and make the process of class creation as easy as possible. We believe these new features will certainly achieve both of these goals.

Tagged Students into Classes

You can now use Tags to place students in specific classes. This is a very flexible tool that will be used by schools in a variety of ways. You can find out more information here.

Assign students to a class based on one of their Tags.

Student Placement Helper

Want to easily be able to see which classes a student can/can’t be moved to? Now you can!

On the Create Classes page, you can turn on the Placement Helper via the Tools dropdown menu.

If you click on a student their cell will turn black and any students relating to them will be highlighted:
Separations = Red
Pairings = Green
Preferences = Blue

The Student Placement Helper allows you to very quickly see where students can be moved to.

Customisable Surveys & Rubric

Every school is unique. They use different language/assessments and they have different factors when placing students. Now you can edit the survey to suit your school.

Edit Class Creator's surveys to suit the needs of your primary, elementary, secondary or high school.

Set Maximum Class Size

Set the maximum number of students you can have in each class. For example, you can now set a hard ceiling of 20 students in grade one classes, while your grade twos can have 22 students.

Set maximum class size

Assign Teachers

We have made it much easier to assign a teacher to a class. The old drop-down menus were a bit clunky, now you go to Configure Classes -> Class Settings and you can easily assign a teacher to a new class.

Easily assign teachers to a class for next year.

“Survey Saved”

Occasionally we’d receive an email from a user that was concerned about leaving the survey page because they were worried it hadn’t saved. The survey page auto-saved, but now we have added a little “Survey Saved” notification to put users minds at ease that data has been saved.

Surveys are saved automatically.

Notes Tab

Notes are used extensively by schools to record a variety of different types of information. Notes used to be entered by clicking on a button next to the student's name in the survey, but it was difficult for some users to find. As a result, we have moved Notes to it’s own tab on the Surveys page.

We have made the Notes function easier to find.

Access Archived Classes

It used to be that once students were archived and reimported, previously saved classes couldn’t be accessed. We’ve changed that. You will now be able to access your old classes, you just won’t be able to edit them.

You can now access your archived classes.

Thank YOU

We want to say a big “Thank You” to everyone that completed out 2018 user feedback survey. Your ideas are what have led to the above developments. Since we launched in 2015, user feedback has been the driving force behind Class Creator and has allowed our little Aussie company to become a world-leader in student placement.

Also, we really appreciate your lovely comments about our support. We try hard to support our schools and your comments certainly made us feel appreciated. As a small team (Tim, Corinne & Karl) we are very proud to feel connected to our schools. Thank you.